Random Workplace Quotes


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

29 Years Ago, Today, I Received Jesus as Lord

I grew up in Church. Influenced to go up to the front and say the prayer at a real young age. After finding church dull I got into drugs and such.
Aug 28, 1978 I had a bad trip which landed me in the local ER.
There I asked for a preacher to come and when my mother found one (my current pastor at that time was in the process of being voted out because of his extra church activities) he read me John 3:16 and asked me to say a prayer. I had done this twice before without any difference in my life, but I went along with it.

Then he asked me a question, "Was I doing drugs?". I had never been asked that before so I said yes. He then told me I needed to ask my parents to forgive me. To make a long story short I went home and asked myself,"If I need to ask my parents to forgive me, then I also need to ask God." And in that instance I "repented" to Christ and received Him in my life. I fold later that I was never born again and if I had died in that state I would be lost to Hell. No mater how much I went to church. It was nothing I did , but Christ. I could not even have come to Christ unless He called me first. And when He calls, that's the time to receive. Not when the preacher calls, but Christ.


The Gatekeeper said...

As a pastor's kid I totally appreciate what you're talking about. Profound and true isn't it? I practically lived in the church but it could never have saved me. I'm glad he called me and I'm blessed to have heard him call. Awesome blog, my brother.

Ravi said...

Neat testimony and thanks for dropping by our blog: http://www.lifeblog.co.nr/