Random Workplace Quotes


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

29 Years Ago, Today, I Received Jesus as Lord

I grew up in Church. Influenced to go up to the front and say the prayer at a real young age. After finding church dull I got into drugs and such.
Aug 28, 1978 I had a bad trip which landed me in the local ER.
There I asked for a preacher to come and when my mother found one (my current pastor at that time was in the process of being voted out because of his extra church activities) he read me John 3:16 and asked me to say a prayer. I had done this twice before without any difference in my life, but I went along with it.

Then he asked me a question, "Was I doing drugs?". I had never been asked that before so I said yes. He then told me I needed to ask my parents to forgive me. To make a long story short I went home and asked myself,"If I need to ask my parents to forgive me, then I also need to ask God." And in that instance I "repented" to Christ and received Him in my life. I fold later that I was never born again and if I had died in that state I would be lost to Hell. No mater how much I went to church. It was nothing I did , but Christ. I could not even have come to Christ unless He called me first. And when He calls, that's the time to receive. Not when the preacher calls, but Christ.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Quest For Answsers: The DaVinci Code

I found a copy of the book "The DaVinci Code: A Quest For Answers" by Josh McDowell at a local thrift store the other day. When I started to read it I could not ;put it down.
Now when the movie came out I did not bother to see it or read the book. I had heard enough on Christian TV to know what it was about and the false statements it contained.
So I did not give it any thought. Also the group that I'm around the most, factory workers, could not care less about it. There was NO talk during break time about the movie much less the book.
But when I read the book I saw that I needed to know more about my faith and how to share it. After seeing the movie on the cable TV guide I decided that I needed to see the movie. I did and I saw what I expected.
But back to the book. Josh has it formated like three college students coming out of the movie with questions and decide to read the book and discuss it. The book is basicly the dialogue that goes on about the claims that the charactors in the book/movie talk about.
I it is real easy to read. I read it in one afternoon. And it is not loaded with boring facts but tie the personalities of the students into the data.
The facts in this book are backed up with source references by Josh.

It is a very good read for those questioning Christ's claims of being God and His resurrection.

For those who do not know Dr. McDowell, he is the author of the book "Evidence That Demands a Verdict", now updated. He was a confirmed atheist in college and on writting his thesis on Jesus never existed, cvame to know Him throught his research.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Book Review: The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti

Book Review: The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti
Off The back Dust-covert: " If you've ever been there. You've never forgotten. The feeling is as haunting and familiar as the smell of a junior high-school locker room.
It's the feeling of being undersized ....or klutzy or less than beautiful. Of being a nerd... or a geek ... or just, somehow, different. It's knowing you are vulnerable - and someone is ready and willing to take full advantage of your weakness by making your life miserable.
It's the fraternity you never wanted to join - the fellowship of the wounded spirit."

This is one book that I almost could not finish reading. Not because it was boring or full of untruths. It was because it hit to close to home. My home.
Just as the author Frank Peretti shared how he was bullied and mistreated as a kid. I to was picked on by those bigger and stronger. It brought back many memories I had tried hard to forget and succeeded. Until now.
Mr. Peretti shares some very good advice on how students, parents and school officials can deal with this problem in a positive way.
This book came to late for the students of Columbine. But it's time has come. I believe that if Christ had not saved me and I to was indoctrinated by the belief of "natural selection", Cottonwood High would have made it to the news first instead of Columbine.

This book is a must for teachers, principals and coaches. Not to mention bullies themselves would benefit greatly.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Out of Print Book: God and the Day's Work

I've found this book at a thrift store and I am trying to find out if I can copy it to the internet.

The book is: God and the Day's Work by Robert L. Calhoun

The back cover reads:
"Robert Calhoun, Yale University Divinity School, revises his God and the Day's Work to make a Reflection Book that speaks honestly, directly, and realistically to the problem and the necessity of Christian vocation in an unchristian world - that God's requirements of faith and willing obedience may be fulfilled in whatever place a person may have been "called". Beginning with God - living mind at work, Dr. Calhoun portrays the distinctive status of man, the worker, in God's plans; defines daily work as a divine calling to have a part in God's perpetual task of making and remaking His world; suggests the deep level of religious living that flows from the socially responsible rhythm of worship and work.God and the Day's Work is not a call to specific Christian vocations; it's a call to transform all work and vocations into Christian vocation."

What a concept and get this. The book was copyrighted in 1957 by the National Board of the YMCA

As stated I would like to upload this book to the internet. I've tried to research it but am getting nowhere. Any help would be welcomed.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Fourth Frontier

From the flyleaf: "The typical American spends 80,000 to 100,000 of his or her
best hours at work. For many, those hours are spent without a sense of purpose,
meaning or passion. But it doesn't have to be that way."

A book from the people at Life@Work Co., does a good job showing us that our
job is a calling and how we can fulfill this calling. A lot pg good advice on family,
finance and other parts of life that co-exist with our jobs. And how to fulfill
God's will in our daily lives through our work.

Also how the workplace is a mission field for us to serve. As stated in this quote:
"It is the marketplace that carries the traffic of a lost work."

A good book and a standard for those who are taking up the call to the Fourth Frontier.

The Fourth Frontier
Exploring The New World Of Work
by Stephen R. Graves and Thomas G. Addington
C.2000 Graves and Addington
ISBN: 0-8499-1668-2

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Chicken Soup For The Soul At Work

by Canfield, Hansen, Rogerson, Rutte and Clauss

I have been reading this book as a sleeper, just before I pass out for the night. It turned out to be a really good book to relax with and whine-down from the day.
The stories are mildly inspirational with some very good stories of real life from people like Alex Haley and Scott "Dilbert" Adams. And I really liked the story by Dave Thomas.
If your looking for deep spiritual reading to give you something to contemplate, this is not it. The stories are watered down to appeal to all faiths. But it is still a good read. I recommend it.

C. 1996 by the above authors
ISBN: 1-55874-424-x
PUB: Heath Communications, Inc.
LIbary of Congress HD4905.C448 1996