Random Workplace Quotes


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My Workstyle Witness

Since I've started my new job I've attempted to really seek the Lord on how to be a witness and the approach I should use. This is how it's been going.
  1. My first days and week was mostly spent with my mouth shut and ears open. Learning the job and learning the people I work with.
  2. Mostly keep my witness to making general remarks during causal conversation about church or something the Pastor said that weekend. This really lets you know if someone is open to hearing more or they couldn't care less. Already any real believers will ask where you attend and step into fellowship. Must be careful if you work with temp labour. You do not know from one day to the next if the person will be there for you to witness to. You must hear God on this and step up to witness if the Lord moves you.
  3. Bring a Bible to work to read during break or lunch. But don't keep your head in it long and lose touch of what is going on around you.
  4. Wear Christian apparel that is appropriate.
  5. Show real concern for others at work. The guy no one likes, befriend him.
That is all I got for now.

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