Random Workplace Quotes


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Heroes and Duty?

Watching TV the other day and one of the commercials was a courteous one. The music spoke of being a hero and the product slogan was, “join us and be a hero”. It was an ad for a gym! My first thought was, “ what has going to a gym have to do with being a hero? Here was another corporation cashing in on the times.

I remember back when the airplane pilot landed the plane in the Hudson River and people called him a hero. I wrote a blog post saying the guy was brave and did a terrific job, but he was trained to act and paid. He did not fit the description of “Hero”.

Maybe in using this title we should use capitalize one and lower case the other? I believe being called a hero when doing our duty or we are getting paid to do the job is like getting a trophy in sports for participating. I was glad that when the pilot and others were called heroes, they denied the title and did not glory in their accomplishment.
This reminded me of what Jesus said about duty: Luke 17:7-10

Luke 17:7-10

In these verses, Jesus explains the attitude we should have when doing our job or volunteer work. In using the picture of a servant, which is our spiritual status in Christ. We are bought with a price. (Although at the same time we are friends, co-heirs, and co-workers in Him, but that is a whole other teaching)

To be a “Hero” we must do something brave that we do not have to do that demands self-sacrifice. You-know, that thing Christ did for us. Christ is our prime example of a Hero and much more. I feel like the title Hero would be beneath Him. Let’s keep Him Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. For when He came to us He humbled Himself and that is our example, wish not to be called a Hero but a good and faithful Servant. Servant with a capital letter!

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