2 Timothy 2:4, Paul mentions three different vocations: Soldier, Athlete and farmer. We know the soldier’s PPE from Ephesians 6:14, which mostly known as a Christian’s spiritual armor.
“Stand therefore having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to squench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”
These are listed as Spiritual weapons for our warfare with the evil one.
I wish to share with you the Spiritual PPE used to keep us safe while doing our Kingdom Work. As mentioned, Paul spoke of the athlete and farmer as an example of our Christian life. They too used PPE. Although the Roman athletes of Paul’s day competed in the nude most of the time, modern athletes use a verity of PPEs for their vocation: proper shoes, gloves, helmets, pads. Farmers also use them in the fields. Namely to guard from heat stroke and skin cancer they use hats and long sleeve shirts, along with proper boots to protect their feet. So you see everyone uses PPE in their work, even the office work uses agronomical chairs and keyboard attachment to guard from muscle stains.
I would now like to share some of the Spiritual PPEs I see being used in our spiritual lives.
Hardhat: to protect us from the unseen
dangers in our spiritual lives. The things that the Lord keeps from happening that we never know. You put it on by being Born Again and coming under His protection.
Apron: This could be a shop or welding apron that keeps our clothes from being soiled or burned. We put them on by separating ourselves from the world. Not becoming hermits but by not doing things the world’s way. Work by the Book.
Face Shield or Safety Glasses: These protect our spiritual eyesight so that we can see things as they are. We put these on by staying in an attitude of prayer and by using discernment in our relationships and work habits.
Work Gloves: We use these to protect our hands for work and service. Keep your hands clean. Resist sin so that our work will not be hindered.
Shoes: Either steel-toe or just slip-resistant, these are for protecting or feet so that we might be able to stand while doing or work and service. We wear these by knowing what we believe and why we believe it.
These are just a few of the PPEs that I can come up with. You may have others in your line of work. I encourage you to use your psychical PPEs and your Spiritual ones. You can’t be safe without them.
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