I held off on this book. I usually do not read new books when they come out. I wait till they hit the thrift stores or someone trust-worthy recommends it. My son recommended it and I found a copy in our Church thrift store. It turned out not to be what I expected. It was not another seeker-pleaser church-bashing book. This book reads like a journal. The author leads us through his personal spiritual immaturity. At the end we see some growth. It has some good ideas on community and some bad.This book offers to show us a little immaturity in ourselves. I know even though I've followed the Lord for 30 years, I saw some in myself. I believe this is a book for the believer and the non. When you start on it, give it a chance all the way to the end. I read some things I did not agree with but there was a lot I did.
Delighted that I found your site, fantastic info. I will bookmark and try to visit more frequently.
This book is a good way to start spiritual conversations with friends. We could use this book to evangelize to you non-believer friends and share the Gospel to them. It is a good source people seeking for answers and truth. We have included Don Miller's book Blue Like Jazz as one of the tools we could give to our non-believing friends to come to Jesus. You can check the site at http://booksforevangelism.org. Heaps of great books can be found in the site which can be helpful for you and your readers.
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