Random Workplace Quotes


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christ Missing From The Playground

Christ Missing From The Playground

I just saw the Movie "Recess Christmas: Miracle on 3rd Street" and was really tee'd off. I don't know what the directors and writers were trying to do but they messed up. The carton had little to do with Christmas until the end and the only time Christ was mentioned was in the title. The part featuring a Christmas play was to be interfaith but all holiday beliefs were represented but the Christian faith. We got Santa Claus. And Mickey learned that he was only rel if he believed in him in his heart. They could have at least given Christ the same blow-off. The real miracle on 3rd Street would have been the Lord getting far time.

Here is a list of those responsible for the Movie/cartoon. And visit the people at Disney.

Directed By:

Chuck Sheetz
Howy Parkins
Susie Dietter

Written By:
Chuck Sheetz
Holly Huckins
Joe Ansolabehere
Mark Drop
Michael Kramer
Paul Germain
Phil Walsh
Steve Bannos

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