Random Workplace Quotes


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Prayers of Martin Luther's for the Workplace

10. A Prayer Before Beginning One's Work.
Eternal and merciful God, I am about to resume my work and the duties of the calling into which Thou hast placed me, Thy servant. May I apply myself according to the ability Thou dost grant, so that I may serve my neighbor and make an honest living. Relying on Thy gracious promise, I there­fore heartily pray Thee to bestow upon me, for the duties about to be resumed, prudence, wisdom, under­standing, success, and blessing, together with health, so that I may not only make a good beginning, but in Thy name and by Thine aid arrive at a profitable close, thus at all times faithfully attending to my duties with a clear conscience and in Thy fear. To Thee I commend my work. Graciously let me suc­ceed in all that I undertake and let me accomplish what I undertake in Thy name, so that Thy light may cast a bright beam on my path to Thy praise and glory and to the welfare of my neighbol:.;
11. A Prayer for Blessing in One's Calling.
o Lord, Thou dost assign to each man his duties according to his abilities and dost want us to eat our bread in the sweat of our brow until we return again
'unto dust; and Thou hast promised that, if we fear Thee and walk in Thy ways, we shall eat the labor of our hands, and it shall be well with us. Behold, upon Thy word I have cast out the net of my calling. May my toil and ~abor not be lost, but grant that, working with my hands the thing which is good, I may have to give to him that needeth. May Thy blessing - on which all depends - ever attend my efforts, so that I may bring them to a successful issue without impairing the interests of others, in order that my substance be devoted to the honor of God and the members of my.family may be provided for. Cause Thy blessing, I pray Thee, to increase as time goes on; bless our ''basket and our store"; for Thy blessing maketh rich, and Thou addest no sorrow with it. 0 Lord, make my heart glad and my face joyful; give me health, life, and success. I ask all this subject to Thy will; Lord, hear my prayer. To Thee I commit my way and trust in Thee; Thou wilt bring it to pass. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salva­tion. .dmen.
14. Thanksgiving upon Completion of Work.
Almighty, eternal, and beneficent God, I give unto Thee hearty thanks and praise for Thy most holy aid and assistance shown me this day; for
without Thee I surely could have done nothing, and
therefore all praise properly belongs to Thee. And I pray Thee, deign to be pleased with my work and have it tend to the welfare, in body and soul, of my­self and my fellow-men; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, true God, who liveth and reigneth to all eter­nity with Thee and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

From the Abridged Treasury of Prayers
Concordia Publishing
copyright 1942

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